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11 Proven Self-Improvement Ideas That Will Make Your Life Better

Improving yourself is obviously a challenge but it's the most effective way to change your life for the better. Take a look at these self-improvement ideas and implement them into your daily lifestyle.
There are a variety of reasons why you may want to improve your life and take on the challenge of self-improvement. Perhaps you recently had a negative experience with a loved one, friend, or co-worker that brought some of your bad habits to light. Maybe you've been reflecting on your overall life recently and feel inspired to make a change.
a girl standing between trees thinking about self-improvement ideas

Reasons why you need to practice self-development

Whatever the reason you've decided that you need to develop yourself, here are some benefits you might experience after putting in the work:

  • Increased happiness and ambition
  • Increased self-esteem
  • A clearer sense of purpose
  • Sustainable motivation
  • A more grateful outlook on life
  • Reduced stress
  • Better time-management skills

Where to get inspiration for self-improvement

Self-improvement books

One way to get started on the path of changing your life is to read self-improvement books. With the rise of the eBook, there are thousands of self-help books you can read for free or for less than the price of a cup of coffee. Start out with well-recommended classics such as The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Atomic Habits, and Rich Dad Poor Dad, or newer titles geared toward specific problems you find yourself facing.

Self-improvement podcasts

Podcasts have recently seen an explosion in popularity, and there are plenty of self-improvement podcasts available. The best part about self-improvement podcasts is that you can fit them into a time when you may be doing other mundane tasks, like during your daily commute or while doing household chores. Additionally, many podcasts also include blog posts and worksheets that can help you take the lessons to a deeper level.

Here are some examples of podcasts that you can start with:
The Joy of Procrastination podcast
What It Takes podcast
Tony Robbins podcast
Design your dream life podcast
The Marie Forleo podcast
a woman writing down self-improvement ideas in her notebook with the phone lying near

11 great self-improvement ideas

1. Track your routines

The easiest way to start your journey of personal development is to get a clear picture of where you're starting from. A good way to do this is to track your current bad habits and set goals based on good habits you'd like to replace them with.

The Habio app can help you with this - an organized habit tracker with statistics, a reflection diary, and a wealth of information to help guide your self-improvement. The app also offers a core course that gives an in-depth explanation and a guide to creating habits that stick, complete with exercises, and motivational rewards to keep you going.

2. Read books daily

Even five minutes a day reading from a self-help book or other interesting non-fiction book can add up to an impressive reading list over time. Reading is one of the primary ways we take in new information and unwind after long days. Find a way to incorporate a reading habit into your daily routine; whether that means paperbacks over coffee or an engaging eBook after work; find the time to squeeze in at least a few pages every day.

3. Exercise more

a man wearing headphones and listening to a podcast about self-improvement ideas
Exercise has been shown to provide a wide variety of benefits beyond helping you lose weight. A regular exercise routine, even just walking for 15 minutes a day a few times a week, can help decrease your stress levels and increase your overall mental health. Regular physical exercise helps prevent or lower the risks of many health problems. If traditional workouts bore you, explore options, such as dancing, hiking, swimming, or playing sports with friends and family.

4. Challenge yourself

Nobody ever said that the process of improving yourself would be easy―if it was easy to turn your life around for the better, everyone would be doing it! Make sure to put yourself out of your comfort zone now and then and challenge yourself to do things you've never done before, work harder than you once thought possible, and believe in your abilities more than ever.

5. Explore new places

New places and experiences can spark creativity, reflection, motivation, inspiration, and personal growth. It can be as simple as picking up coffee from a new cafe across town to something as complex as camping in the mountains for the first time in your life. Expose yourself to new environments and situations to help expand your worldview.

6. Be open to everything new

Change often requires doing a lot of new things. Keep an open mind throughout your journey through personal development and don't be afraid to try new things. Remember that many of your favorite activities, hobbies, habits, or quirks were once new to you! Be willing to give good habits and positive changes time to start taking effect.

On the same note, be aware that you often have to seek out positive change on your own, and it will rarely come your way. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want or what you need to live a better life.

7. Ask for feedback

Your friends, family, and loved ones can be one of the greatest resources in your journey to self-betterment. Those who love you will want to see you succeed and become a better version of yourself, so don't be afraid to reach out to those you trust for feedback. You may be surprised to find that the things you think are flaws in yourself are either not noticeable to others or, at the very least, much less serious than you believe them to be.

8. Help others

Reach out to help others who are in your shoes, and you'll often find your resolve to be better by growing stronger. When we help others, we tend to think better of ourselves, and that positive energy will flow into your habits. Volunteer or get involved in community projects to do what you can for those in need.
a girl in a library looking for a book about self-improvement ideas

9. Write a diary

A diary or thought journal can be an effective way to spark real change in your life. Writing down your thoughts about how a day went or how a particular event affected you can help you spot patterns and beat bad habits.

10. Create dream boards

Visualization is a great way to stay motivated while you work on learning how to be better every day. Create a physical or digital dream board or vision board that keeps you inspired. It can be a collection of photos that remind you of your goals, your values, or places that you hold dear to your heart. Let your imagination run wild! If you believe it may help keep you motivated, you can even share your dream board with others in your support system.

11. Eat healthily

A good diet is the foundation of any healthy lifestyle. By fueling your body with vegetables, fruits, and good protein, you give yourself the best chance of succeeding. Make sure you nourish yourself and provide yourself with the energy you'll need to make daily changes in your life!

Self-help is about learning how to improve yourself every day

While small daily changes may not seem glamorous, over time they can add up to big changes. Focus on starting with small habits that you can easily track. Once you've built up a good foundation, you can continue to improve yourself with self-help ideas from books, podcasts, support groups, and across the web. As you work through this process, you will learn what works for you and what doesn't. However, never be afraid to try something new to see if it might help you improve your life!
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