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Yoga Meditation for Beginners:
The Ultimate Guide

This Habio article is a perfect starting point for developing a meditation yoga practice for beginners. Find out more about meditation benefits, the best poses, and tips on how to move forward on the road of this mindful practice.
When you read the words 'meditation yoga,' the first thought that comes into your mind might be physical exercises that relax your mind and body. And that is correct. Meditation yoga consists of yoga poses and breathing exercises to achieve relaxation. Meditation yoga involves many poses that are more than just sitting and relaxing. It involves a connection between the body and mind that detangles your worries while barricading through stressful thoughts. Precisely, meditation yoga is an act of quieting or silencing a busy mind to achieve inner peace. The more you can silence your thoughts through meditation and yoga, the more you can experience the true presence of yourself. This can help you become more conscious and reach self-actualization. Meditation yoga encourages a sense of being in the present moment while creating a mind-body connection.
a man showing how to meditate

What is meditation in yoga?

Meditation is a thoughtful process that uses many religious and spiritual traditions such as silence, focus, and transforming the mind. Meditation allows individuals to cultivate self-awareness, optimism, and mindfulness. Yoga is an integrated practice of mind and body that teaches harmony, coordination, and several other lessons. Meditation in yoga is a process of combining the two practices.

Meditation in yoga may be able to help you think of a solution to a problem rather than just stressing over the situation. It allows individuals to calm their physiological responses and look for answers from within. It encourages a sense of positivity. You can achieve some of the benefits of meditation right away, but it can take a bit of practice to develop it into a habit. Practice meditation at your own pace. Meditation in yoga can help synchronize your emotions, mental state, and physiological responses to achieve a higher state of relaxation.

Relationship Between Meditation and Yoga

Meditation can help you achieve mindfulness. However, it doesn't come easy to most people. Yoga can be a great way to start a meditation practice, as it allows you to focus on your body and breath, calming the mind. Meditation yoga postures can rejuvenate not only your body but also your mind. Yoga and meditation are interrelated; yoga postures can help prepare your body to meditate and achieve a state of calm. In other words, yoga can make meditation easier as it allows you to achieve mindfulness through the mind and body coordination.
A woman sitting on the table with a laptop right to her and showing how to medidate

Benefits of yoga meditation

Maintaining a regular meditation yoga practice can help you to improve your mental and physical health. Here are some of the benefits of yoga meditation:

Physical Benefits
  • It increases flexibility in the body.
  • It increases muscle strength.
  • It improves body posture and respiration.
  • It maintains a balanced metabolism.
  • It helps you fall asleep faster and easier.
  • It helps you maintain a healthy weight.
  • It improves cardiovascular and circulatory health.

Mental Health Benefits
  • It reduces stress and anxiety.
  • It promotes emotional health.
  • It enhances self-awareness.
  • It reduces the chance of age-related dementia.
  • It increases the attention span.

Types of meditation

Meditation is an ancient practice that is still used in many cultures. These practices help individuals achieve a sense of calm and inner harmony. Although meditation yoga practices have ties to many different cultural and religious teachings, it is less about faith and more about achieving a state of altered consciousness, peace, and awareness. A few of the most well-known meditation types are described below.

Yoga Nidra meditation

Yoga nidra meditation is a practice to get your body into a state of complete relaxation. The practitioner systematically becomes more aware of their inner world by following a set of verbal instructions. The goal here is to achieve a state of meditative consciousness called Samadhi. Samadhi allows the mind to enter the sleep-like state where the practitioner stays conscious, sensing their surroundings, and mindfully breathing to trigger relaxation.

Mantra meditation

Mantra is a Sanskrit term made up of two words; man meaning "mind" and tra indicating "release." Therefore, the term mantra means something that releases the negative energy from your mind. In mantra meditation, you think of a word or phrase that is meaningful to you and repeat it during the meditation. Such terms and phrases are used as tools that can help you release negativity from your mind. Mantra meditation can be especially helpful when you have trouble with concentration.

Visualization Meditation

Contrary to popular belief, visualization and meditation are not the same things. Visualization helps you to focus on something specific. It could be an event, person, or a goal that you want to achieve. Visualization meditation is a mindfulness technique that allows you to envision what you want to accomplish in your mind and imagine the outcome as reality. Adding visualization to your meditation will allow you to imagine what you want and focus on the things that matter.
A woman sitting on the table with a laptop right to her and showing how to medidate

Gazing meditation

Gazing meditations allows an individual to "gaze" or "look" to focus on the meditation. Such meditations are also known as "Trataka." Gazing meditation involves focusing through a relaxed gaze. You start by opening your eyes to see an external object. Then, closing your eyes, keep that object in mind and gaze at the image in your head. It is believed that the gazing meditation stimulates the pineal gland, awakening the third eye.

Deep breath meditation

Shallow breathing leads to stress and anxiety. On the other hand, deep breath meditation will help you gain a sense of control in stressed and anxious situations. Deep breaths allow the body to slowly reduce the production of stress hormones and bring it back from an excited state to a normal state. Such exercises help you to slow down your breath and relax mentally as well as physically.

Best meditation yoga poses for beginners

Meditation yoga poses for beginners can seem tricky and confusing. Meditation yoga may require practice before you fully realize all the benefits. The following are a few meditation yoga poses that can be used by beginners.

1. Mindful breaths

Deep breathing or abdominal breathing can be a great pose, to begin with. It will allow you to balance your breath in times of stress.

2. Gentle flow

These are easy circling movements of the head and neck while on your hands and knees. This pose allows you to balance the rhythm of your breath with your body movement.

3. Mountain pose

In this pose, you stand up, putting all your weight downward toward your feet, and breathe deeply. It will help in your digestion, posture, and mood.

4. Downward-facing dog

With your weight on all four limbs while facing downward, move your hips up, making an inverted V with your body. This pose helps to create harmony between the upper and lower body.

5. Child's pose

Bend your knees and lay your head forward on the mat. Bend your body in a downward position and take deep breaths. This pose can help you reduce fatigue and improve your posture.

Tips on how to start your yoga meditation

a guru showing a group of people how to meditate right
Here are a few meditation yoga for beginner tips on how to start meditation.

Choose your meditation method

Choose the method that suits you best and the one you easily understand. Choose a meditation yoga method that you feel is best for you.

Find a comfortable posture

Finding comfortable postures is very important. Trying a new posture before you're ready can hurt your muscles. Instead, begin with easy and comfortable meditation yoga poses.

Same time, same place

Meditation yoga should be done at the same time and in the same place regularly. Select a time that is suitable for you and meditate at that time. Your brain will begin to associate that specific time and place with meditation, making it easier to build the habit.

Breathe naturally

Breathing should not be a challenging task. Breathing is one of the core features of yoga meditation. Hold your breath for as long as is comfortable for you, and then release it. Naturally, breathing can help you achieve better results in your meditation.

Create a habit

Meditation yoga is a healthy lifestyle choice, as it promotes physical and mental health. Create a habit of doing meditation and yoga and live a healthy and fulfilling life.


It is important to remember that meditation yoga for beginners is not about maintaining a difficult posture or getting it perfect in one try. It is a practice to add to your lifestyle according to your needs. Along with tremendous physical benefits, meditation yoga regulates a calm state of mind, leaving us more aware of our surroundings and our actual self. So, which meditation are you planning to practice today?
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