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Why Confidence is Important: Proven Ways to
Boost Your Self-Сonfidence

It's often said that confidence is a habit not a trait. To build this useful habit, read the Habio article to find out the proven ways of boosting your self-confidence levels.

What confidence means

We are all familiar with the saying "confidence is key". But do we know what confidence means? Confidence is believing in oneself, believing that you can overcome life's challenges and succeed. This means being realistic with your capabilities and abilities and feeling secure with what you have.
A woman standing in front of the mirror and thinking why confidence in important

Why confidence is vital

There are a lot of reasons why confidence is important, one of which is having greater self-worth. When you are confident, you believe in yourself more and in what you can do. This means you feel valuable. When there are uncomfortable things you need to do, you believe that you can do it, which means you take more risks and don't just stay within your comfort zone.

Reasons to be confident

The more confident you are, the happier you are, and you see things not as impossibilities but as possibilities. You believe that you can find solutions because you know that you have the skills to solve problems.

Why is confidence important to success? Because when you are confident, even if you have fears, they will not stop you. You have the perspective that whatever happens, you can accept it, handle it, and learn from the situation. You know that whatever the outcome is, you will benefit from it because it'll add knowledge to you and your life experiences. That's just how you see yourself. Nothing will stop you as long as you don't hurt others, and you believe in what you can do.
A man climbing the mountain showing why confidence in important

Why we all lose confidence once in a while

It is, however, inevitable that we will lose our confidence from time to time. But why does it happen? It happens when we fail at something and we don't get back up. We just ruminate on that failure and let it define us. We lose our confidence when we let our mistakes define us rather than depend on the abilities and skills that we already have.

Another reason why we lose confidence is when we listen to negative voices around us telling us that we are not good enough or when people's opinions are overtaking us. Sometimes, we give more weight to other people's opinions than to our own, and that destroys our confidence. To avoid losing your confidence, check out this article.

Powerful ways to become more confident

A man standing in a suit showing why confidence is important

1. Visualize more

How do you do this? When you are about to do a presentation, or you're about to apply to a job, or it's just a big day for you – imagine conquering the day ahead of time. Imagine what you will do, what you will see, what you will hear, what the place will look like. Just imagine. Imagine yourself acing that test, getting that interview, getting the grade you want. Visualize the right things. That doesn't mean ignoring the hardships that can happen, but just visualize that you can do it, no matter what it looks like. Visualizing it first is the primary step of how to build self-confidence.

2. Dream big

You have the skills, abilities, and potential for a reason. Use that to dream big. You become more confident when you can dream bigger than yourself because you are pushing yourself towards excellence and resilience. This drives you to work harder than ever.

3. Step out of your comfort zone

Being confident means you will not stay within the comfort of familiarity. Get out of your comfort zone and try new things. When you challenge yourself to do something you've never done before, you are pushed to be resourceful. Tap into the knowledge that you already have. The benefits of confidence include having the courage to step out of what feels safe.

4. Try new things regularly

Explore what you can do, and try doing things for the first time. This will test your skills and capabilities and show you how far you can push yourself or what you could learn more about. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes; the experiences you gain become your foundation and will serve as wisdom for your future decisions in life. Whatever the outcome is for something that you tried for the first time, label it as your first attempt in learning.

5. Concentrate on the positive

Having more confidence also means concentrating on the positive. Negative things don't just go away. Hardship is always near. Struggles will never disappear for good. There will always be things that don't fall into place the way we would like. Being confident means not focusing on what will not work but focusing on what can work and what's good and positive. You keep moving forward because you know that there's always a silver lining, and you can always look at the positive side.

6. Appreciate all you have accomplished

Never forget all the successes and achievements you've had so far in life. Sometimes when we fail, we tend to focus on that failure and let it define the entirety of our lives. We forget how far we've come and how much work we've put in to get where we are right now. Use your past successes and achievements to make you more confident in yourself. No matter how small your achievements are, don't disregard the effort and hard work you've put in. Use that to continually fuel your confidence
A confident woman speaking in the mic on the conference

7. Do public speaking

Public speaking increases your confidence because your oral communication improves. As you make your first speech, whether it's a presentation, conducting a training session, or presenting a report, you'll feel more accomplished. Expect feedback and use that to learn and improve so that during your next public speaking event, you'll have improved your skills and feel more confident.

8. Admit your mistakes

This might sound counterintuitive, but admitting your mistakes boosts your confidence. You might ask how. When you admit mistakes, you take responsibility. When you take responsibility and own up to your mistakes instead of blaming others, it is empowering. Admitting your mistakes also means you are learning from them and are less likely to repeat them.

9. Laugh at yourself

No matter what happens, we are imperfect people, and there's always the possibility of making the wrong choice. Being confident means laughing at yourself when you fail and not criticizing yourself too harshly. Being confident means overcoming obstacles and not taking life so seriously that you lose your drive to keep going.


Being confident and feeling capable of achieving your goals can sometimes feel difficult. There are many powerful ways to change this. The most important thing is that confidence should come from within, not from outside, not from your mistakes, not from other people's opinions; it should come from you. Confidence is a habit, not a trait. Your confidence should come from the fact that you have skills and you have potential, and if you set your mind to it, you can do anything. Your confidence should come from learning from your mistakes, allowing you to keep moving forward. Your confidence is everything.


  1. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/basics/confidence
  2. https://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/5-ways-visualize-yourself-confident/

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