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Confidence vs. Arrogance:
Is There Any Difference?

Confidence and arrogance — they might be mistaken for each other at first sight. However, while one helps you succeed in building your habits, the other might make you fail. Read the Habio article to tell the difference.
Have you ever received a compliment because you spoke confidently? Confidence is indeed a desirable trait, and many yearn to have more of it. But it can often be mistaken for arrogance, especially in the workplace and in personal relationships. You might be interested in knowing the difference between the two (if any).

If you want to know the difference between these two terms so that you can quickly identify them, this guide will help you. More importantly, you will be able to know if you have these traits yourself or showed signs of them at some point in your life.

Let's start by defining terms before we unpack confidence vs arrogance.
Two cards showing confidence vs. arrogance

What is confidence?

Confidence means self-assurance in your abilities and skills. Confidence includes thoughts that scream deep in your mind that you are a capable person. It's a feeling from within. To be confident, you don't really need anyone to affirm it first. Confidence is when you fall down seven times and stand up eight.
A woman swimming and winning a competition as an allusion of confidence

What is arrogance?

Arrogance is an offensive demonstration of one's superiority. It is characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-worth, skills, and abilities. An arrogant person feels like they know it all and that there is nothing new that they can learn from anyone.

Confidence and arrogance: The main differences

Now that you know the meanings of confidence and arrogance, you have succeeded in solving the first puzzle. Even though they may seem like opposites, there is a fine line between them. And crossing that fine line could make all the difference: in hurting your relationships with others, in negotiations, and in other situations. How can you tell when someone crosses the line? Let's explore the differences between confidence and arrogance.

One of the significant differences between confidence and arrogance is the foundation. If you want to easily identify a confident/arrogant person, check how their words are grounded. Confidence has its roots embedded deeply in humility and respect. On the other hand, arrogance is based on nothing. It's a baseless sense of self-worth that relies on nothing and is characterized by unearned pride. There are varying degrees of each, and most times, we can tell if a person possesses such traits.

Arrogance is viewed as highly offensive, while confidence attracts. Arrogance is detested in a negotiation; it destroys trust and meaningful conversations. It hinders progress and often destroys one's reputation.
A man looking at the woman as an allusion of arrogance
Confidence fosters peace, continuity, and a collaborative environment. It helps you make an excellent first impression, especially in the workplace. As expected, confidence comes with rewards, such as recognition and respect.

Arrogant people derive joy in talking about themselves, their own achievements, success stories, and victories without acknowledging those who contributed to their good fortune. In a meeting, an arrogant person might want to seek the spotlight even at others' expense. They might not allow others to voice their opinions.

On the other hand, a confident person is accommodating and realizes that others have their flaws too. They do not make others feel less important with their actions or words. Subconsciously or consciously, they are interested in other people and what they could learn from them.

Insecurity is another trait that arrogant people demonstrate. For this reason, it's common to find an arrogant person being boastful and attempting to demean others to be seen as the best. Confidence is secure and characterized by humility. A confident person knows how to show composure and does not speak in a manner that belittles others.

Since there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance, how can you demonstrate confidence without being arrogant?

How to stay confident without being arrogant

Confidence is a desirable trait that attracts. For most people, telling the difference between confidence versus arrogance isn't the problem. But how can you show confidence without crossing the line and becoming an arrogant person? Read on for six proven ways to build confidence without breeding arrogance.
An arrogant woman sitting on the chair with her legs on the table

1. Practice affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that build up one's self-worth and help you overcome negative and self-sabotaging feelings. You can make a list of affirmations to say to yourself each day. Although it doesn't work like magic, you might notice that your self-esteem has increased after a while and you have more empathy for others.

As you practice these affirmations regularly, they may become part of you, and you might find yourself believing more deeply and living up to those affirmations.

2. Value your achievements

If you want to know how to be confident without being arrogant, you should learn to acknowledge your achievements and avoid making others feel bad just to demonstrate your worth. Arrogant people always brag about their accomplishments and let everyone know that they have something to show.

3. Respect others

This is the hallmark of being confident. If you want to be confident and not arrogant, it's important to learn to respect others' feelings. Showing respect for others goes a long way to demonstrate that you value their opinions and place in your life. Furthermore, people who respect others often gain respect in return.
A woman standing in the dark thinking about confidence vs. arrogance problem

4. Act like you are already confident

If you want to become more confident, the fastest way to achieve this is to act like you're already there. Forget your fears, put your pride aside, and think about what a confident person would do in each situation. If you keep trying to look and speak confidently, chances are you will find it gets easier and more natural, until it's a true part of you.

5. Smile and make eye contact

A smile can go a long way to boost your confidence, and it's also a great way to express the acceptance of others. According to a study, it takes 113 muscles to frown and just 12 muscles to smile. Make it easy on yourself, and smile.

When you smile at someone, you send a signal of openness and friendliness, which in turn may translate into a meaningful conversation, friendship, or business relationship.

If you are a shy person, it can be daunting to increase your confidence level, especially in front of others. Practicing maintaining eye contact can go a long way and help boost your other confidence skills.

6. Listen to others and speak confidently

Listening to others shows that you respect their opinions. When you speak, try to look confident by speaking calmly and assertively. A confident person speaks about facts and reality, but they also show their respect and interest in others by asking a lot of questions. Speak about topics you're interested in, and don't be afraid to be humble.


Most times, the difference between confidence and arrogance lies in the eyes of the beholder. If you are struggling to become more confident and less arrogant, ask for feedback from people you trust. Boosting your confidence level can help you be more successful and radiates positivity to those around you.


1. https://hbr.org/2012/01/the-science-behind-the-smile
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