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Attract Like-Minded People

Many popular personalities have become famous, not standing alone, but with generous support and excellent role models. Let's check out some tricks for attracting like-minded people to make yourself work more effectively and succeed faster.
When you learn about high performers' biographies, you see that almost every successful person has a mentor or other people who affect their lives. For instance, Bill Campbell mentored Steve Jobs for many years, and then Jobs started to mentor Mark Zuckerberg.

These and many other popular personalities have become famous, not standing alone, but with generous support and excellent role models. Let's check out some tricks for attracting like-minded people to make yourself work more effectively and succeed faster.

1. Define your values

Thanks to this habit, you will be aware of all of your tasks at the beginning of the week and won't have to worry that you're missing anything essential.
You also can try a method used by famous investor Warren Buffett. At the start of every week, write down 25 of your work goals. Then, highlight 5 of them from this list. Focus on these most-important goals and cross out the other 20. They'll come up later on their own if they're important.

2. Come up with a plan

If you want to work hard but spend a lot of time on social media, log out from your accounts or leave your devices charging in another room. In other words, remove unnecessary triggers from your environment and create positive cues around you.

3. Put yourself out there

Experiment with your schedule to discover when during the day your mind works most efficiently. Set aside these times for "deep work." Focus on your most important tasks, and work without any distractions. You'll be surprised by how much you can accomplish in a couple of hours.
Besides invaluable knowledge, people around you can give you approval, positive energy, and a sense of responsibility for your actions. Remember a great African proverb: "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
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