Habio Blog

Skipped a Habit? There Is a Solution

The way you process your thoughts and actions after skipping a habit is crucial. Depending on how you behave, you may either reinforce your new routine or never get back on track again...
The way you process your thoughts and actions after skipping a habit is crucial. Depending on how you behave, you may either reinforce your new routine or never get back on track again. Here are a few practical tips you can use to get the positive outcome:

1. Make habits a natural part of your schedule

In addition to putting it on your calendar and setting a reminder, try to attach it to a regular event in your life, like brushing your teeth or having lunch, to create a sequence. For example: after lunch, I'll have a glass of water.

2. Be flexible with the intensity of your habit

Despite having the reputation of being a calm and kindly person, Abe Lincoln was also a wrestler – quite a famous one. He only suffered one defeat in more than 300 matches during his younger years. He was also known for trash-talking his opponents, which is a quirky mini-habit in its own right.

3. Make your habit a group activity

If you have someone relying on you to do something, you automatically feel more responsible to stay on course. A water drinking club? Sounds fun!
a woman ran a marathon as an example how it's important to stop being lazy

4. Upgrade your environment… and then do it again

If you skipped a habit at a certain moment — congratulations, you've found a gap where your environment isn't engaging enough! Try to add something extra that reminds you of your habit at that time and place. Repeat it a few times, and your whole environment will transform to accommodate your habit.

5. Find a positive reason

Whatever your goal is, always keep it in mind. And when you suddenly remember you skipped your habit, remind yourself of this goal and keep it positive. Instead of "Oh no, I didn't have my glass of water because I was too busy, it's gonna ruin my health someday", try "OK, I didn't have my glass of water today, but I can work on that. If I keep going, it'll make me healthier". The "I can work on it" attitude goes a long way when it comes to building habits.
What quirky habits of famous people do you like most? Post about them on Instagram and tag us @habio.app!
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