Habio Blog

How to Believe in Yourself:
11 Ways to Be Absolutely Unstoppable

Belief in yourself is one of the major pillars of life success. If you believe in yourself anything is possible. Learn how to cultivate this personality trait and to achieve anything you want now.
Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable
— Emily Guay
Believing in yourself is a critical step on the path to success. It's the driving force behind motivation and achievement, and it acts as powerful protection against the roadblocks you're bound to encounter on your way.
a man climbing on the mountain showing how to believe in yourself is important

Why should you believe in yourself?

Believing in yourself means being fully aware of your talents and good qualities and using them to their full extent. It's also about being fearless in the face of criticism and failure, as well as persuading others to believe in you.

If you don't believe in yourself, you're severely limiting your potential. Excessive perfectionism, procrastination, a lack of motivation, and the seeming inability to put your message across are all signs that your faith in yourself isn't strong enough.

By now, you're probably wondering how to believe in yourself when life gets hard and what to do when you don't believe in yourself anymore. Don't worry — we've got 11 awesome tips for you to get back on track!

11 ways to start believing in yourself again

1. Get in touch with yourself

Take a break and think about the situations that have made you lose your faith in yourself. Maybe you feel like you've failed at the career you studied for, or you were rejected by someone you like, or maybe you just got fired. Whatever it is, try and talk to yourself like you'd talk to a trusted friend. Acknowledge your negative feelings such as anxiety and frustration — you can even write them down in a journal or using an app.

Once you've processed your emotions, you'll gain a clearer perspective and see solutions that were previously obscured by emotions. Afterward, you can convert them into achievable goals and embark on your path toward success!
A woman running on the championship and showing how to believe in yourself is important

2. Get rid of limiting beliefs

If you're like most people, you probably have deep-seated beliefs about things that you can't do. These beliefs can come from overly critical parents and teachers, others seem to stem from social stereotypes, and some are entirely self-imposed.

In any case, they often lead to self-fulfilling prophecies that limit your potential. If you tell yourself you're not good at math, guess what, you'll never be good at math even if you're naturally smart.

If you believe in yourself, anything is possible. Say goodbye to limiting beliefs and embrace your full potential!

3. Make sure you have a supportive environment

If you don't believe in yourself, find people who do! Humans are social creatures, and we're hardwired to seek support from other people in times of stress. Friends and family members will help you cope with difficult times and may help prevent you from losing faith in yourself.

Your physical environment should also be supportive. Things like a distraction-free workplace and a well-established self-care routine can do wonders for your mental health and productivity, making it easier to achieve your goals and start believing in yourself again.

4. Respect yourself

How can you believe in someone you don't respect?

Self-respect can be defined as the belief that your ideas and thoughts are valuable and that your voice deserves to be heard. It's one of the foundations of self-confidence and self-love.

When you respect yourself, you don't let other people's opinions bog you down. You become immune to toxic criticism and negative self-talk — in short, you become unstoppable.

5. Visualize your success

Did you know that Olympic-level athletes spend tons of time just imagining their success in the tiniest detail possible? Mental imagery is one of the most important tools in every athlete's toolkit, and there's no reason why you shouldn't try it as well!

Of course, sitting on a couch and imagining that you're a millionaire won't make you any money. But once you've got a crystal clear picture of your success in your mind, you'll gain enough self-confidence to start working toward your goal.

6. Reward yourself for your achievements

Your brain likes rewards. When you receive or experience something good, you experience a surge of dopamine, a hormone that makes you happy. Your brain wants more dopamine, so it'll do its best to repeat the behavior that led to the reward. This is one of the core mechanisms behind motivation and building habits.

You can program your habits and behaviors by rewarding yourself for your achievements, and we at Habio know exactly how to do it. We'll help you replace negative habits with positive ones and become truly unstoppable!
a group of people supporting a running girl and showing how everyone needs o believe in yourself

7. Challenge yourself

If you don't challenge yourself, you'll never know what you're capable of. You might live your entire life doing a boring job you hate simply because you never give yourself the chance to discover your amazing talents!

Make it a habit to challenge yourself regularly. Learn new skills, experience new cultures, expose yourself to new ideas, and don't forget to reward yourself for every achievement!

8. Don't be afraid to fail

Walt Disney was fired from the Kansas City Star because his editor thought he "lacked imagination and had no good ideas."

The Harry Potter series was rejected by 12 publishers before Bloomsbury finally accepted it.

Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times while trying to invent a commercially viable lightbulb.

Even the most successful people fail multiple times in their careers. But unlike most others, they don't give up and continue trying.

9. Set clear and achievable goals

Are the goals you set achievable? No matter how big or small they are, you might need to reframe them to make them clear and achievable. Otherwise, even a relatively small goal can become truly overwhelming.

The SMART technique is a good guideline for setting goals. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound. Instead of telling yourself that you'd like to write a novel, try this: "I'm going to write 100 words every day for a month so that I'll have written a 3000-word chapter by the end of the month."

When you have SMART goals, you can measure and analyze your progress as you go along, so you can be consistently proud of your achievements and strengthen your faith in yourself in the long run.

10. Think about mistakes as valuable experiences

Sophia Loren once said, "Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life."

No matter what you do, you're bound to make mistakes. Just remember that they don't define you — in fact, they're valuable learning experiences that can teach you important life lessons. Once you've analyzed your mistakes, let them go and move on. They're simply a part of life, not a part of your identity.

11. Never stop trying

When a reporter asked Thomas Edison what it felt like to have failed so many times, the inventor replied, "I have not failed 10,000 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 10,000 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work."

As long as you keep trying, there's a chance of success. Don't miss that chance.


Don't underestimate the importance of believing in yourself — it's the foundation of your success. Whenever you feel like self-doubt is getting the better of you, take action immediately. With some conscious effort and by abiding by these 11 tips, your belief in yourself will be stronger than ever!

References & Further Reading

  1. https://habio.app/blog/how-to-become-more-confident
  2. https://blog.mindvalley.com/respect-yourself/
  3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/psychology/self-fulfilling-prophecy
  4. https://habio.app/blog/motivation-to-start-changing-habits
  5. https://medium.com/@daisylewis_33767/7-ways-to-stay-in-touch-with-yourself-self-care-101-66cd8073477e
  6. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/21-famous-failures-who-refused-to-give-up_b_57da2245e4b04fa361d991ba
  7. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-power-prime/201811/what-mental-training-sports-is-really-all-about
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