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Self-Discipline for Students:
8 Genuine Secrets to Achieving
More in Less Time

The majority of students have trouble maintaining high levels of self-discipline. Here are some Habio tips on how to take your self-discipline to the next level and stay focused while studying.
Every day, we face distractions, we struggle to concentrate, and most times, we get little results from our efforts. Worse still, we promise ourselves not to procrastinate, yet we find ourselves falling prey to procrastination over and over again.

Self-discipline is an invaluable skill that anyone can learn to improve the course of their life over time.

Whether you are trying to pass an exam, execute a project, get your dream body, or outsmart competitors in business, as long as there is a goal to be realized, self-discipline has a role to play.

Have you ever asked yourself why many attain success in academics faster than others? Or why success eludes some people while chasing others everywhere they go? Can self-discipline be linked to success and personal development? Read this guide to discover some tips by Habio on how to achieve more with self-discipline.
a man reading books sitting at his desk showing how self-discipline for students is important

Self-Discipline for Students: Is It Essential for Success?

According to opinions from renowned psychologists, self-discipline is synonymous with willpower and self-control. That is why self-discipline for students has also been described as the ability to delay gratification, resisting urges in order to enable one to achieve long-term goals.

In academics, self-discipline and time management skills are essential for success and balance. As a student, it is essential for success in your studies and personal pursuits. Most students have too many things on their minds capable of distracting them, causing them to lose focus of the bigger picture during their studies.

For instance, if you are studying for a course at the university or trying to pass an exam, you can practice self-discipline by avoiding unproductive activities that could tarnish your efforts or make you look unprepared.

More so, if you are studying a complex major or finding it difficult to understand a particular course, you can commit yourself to self-discipline and study rigorously without giving in to temptations along the way.

Self-discipline is a lifelong practice for many. No doubt, slipups often occur, possibly even daily, but research has shown that students who have a high sense of self-discipline find it easier to pass exams and graduate with good grades.
A woman looking at her watch to show how self-discipline for students is essential

Self-discipline and time management: are they connected?

Time is valuable to everyone. We all have the same 24 hours each day, so why is it that some students can make the most of their time while others struggle each day to accomplish a specific task? It all lies in proper time management.

It's vital to understand the importance of self-discipline for students because it's crucial to attaining success. Therefore, there is a fine line between self-discipline and time management, and most people use them interchangeably.

This means that setting deadlines and prioritizing activities isn't enough to validate one's practice of self-discipline. You have to learn how to manage your time and spend it on valuable activities that yield positive results.

For many students, peer pressure, entertainment, and other vices reduce their ability to manage their time and become self-disciplined. Time management is not the only crucial element necessary for self-discipline, but it's a highly recommended skill to make it work like magic.

Benefits of being a self-disciplined student

A student shaking hands with the dean at the graduation ceremony showing how self-discipline for students is important
Have you ever received a compliment because of your behavior and the manner in which you resisted temptation? You were praised for being self-disciplined. There are many things we do in life that attract respect, praise, and recognition, if not now, then in the foreseeable future.

Self-discipline is one of them. The benefits of self-discipline are enormous. And if you keep at it, you will continue to enjoy these benefits for a lifetime. Let's explore some of the benefits:

  • It helps you to plan, set, and achieve goals.
  • It results in a higher level of self-reliance and satisfaction.
  • It produces more intelligent and motivated students.
  • It helps you avoid acting on impulse.
  • It produces emotional stability if practiced over time.
  • It helps you save money and become more productive.
  • It helps you continue working on a project even when you no longer feel excited about it.

Now you know the importance of self-discipline for students. How can you acquire this skill so you, too, can enjoy these benefits?

Tips on how to become a more self-disciplined student

Coming back from winter break and resuming the school routine with the same level of zeal you had previously can be challenging for most students. Many struggle to maintain the same level of self-discipline, let alone trying to improve it! If you are trying to maintain self-discipline or begin developing self-control while in school, these self-discipline tips for students will help you.

1. Learn from your mistakes

Learning from your mistakes and making plans to leave them behind and move on is a great step toward becoming a self-disciplined student. Without these mistakes, it's almost impossible to grow in life and attain balance. Growth comes when you learn from the past and take steps to become more disciplined by avoiding the same mistakes in the future.

2. Do in advance as much as possible

Endeavour to prioritize important tasks and do them in advance as much as you can. By performing tasks way ahead of their allotted time, you will discover how much time you have left for yourself, and you'll be able to put the best toward your future development as well.

3. Use technology to your advantage

Try to assign tasks that you feel others can handle better than you. For instance, if you have a project at hand, you could hire virtual assistants to help you with some tasks. You can also leverage online time management tools and download apps on your smartphone that will help you make the most of your time.

4. Create a plan and a schedule

As much as you can, engross yourself with goal-setting activities each day. Write down tasks you plan to achieve each day, every month, and even at the end of the year. Make a plan on how to achieve these goals, and then take steps each day to make them a reality.
a woman in the library studying as an allusion for the fact how self-discipline for students is a must-have

5. Reward yourself for studying hard

Once in a while, indulge in your favorite recreational activity as a way to give yourself a pat on the back for accomplishing a goal or meeting a target. If you love cooking, you could shop for the healthiest items and prepare your favorite meal. If you love getting outdoors, go on that hike or outing.

6. Know your inclinations

Study yourself and understand your weaknesses as well as your strengths. Make a plan that will help you overcome your weaknesses and avoid temptations.

7. Reduce distractions while studying

To avoid distractions, try to put your phone away as you study. Endeavor to study in a quiet environment that is devoid of noise and other forms of distractions, or find sounds that help you concentrate, such as nature sounds or mellow instrumental music. This would help your mind to become engrossed in your studies.

8. Know your brain activity time

For many students, there are particular times of the day they feel their best and can assimilate information easily. Different people also have varying thresholds for how long they can study effectively before needing a break. Find your ideal study time and stick to it. Create a routine of activities after identifying your brain activity time.


Many students have a lot of things going on, and most times, they need a break. Self-discipline is a useful skill that will help you to find a balance, stay motivated throughout your studies, and ultimately create the lifestyle you have envisioned.

References & Further Reading

  1. http://www.ascd.org/publications/researchbrief/v4n06/toc.aspx
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2719514/

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