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Mental Strength as a Key Factor to Your Mindful Life

Mental health has become one of the most discussed topics today. Developing mental strength moves you through life difficulties and forges your own path to success. Find out more about exercises for mental toughness to accept any challenge your life might bring you.
Do you ever feel like your thoughts and emotions are out of control and the slightest setback feels like a devastating defeat? If that sounds familiar, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll show you how to build mental strength with proven tips and exercises.
a man with great mental strength stays on the stairs and opens a lock with a key

What is mental strength?

Mental strength or mental toughness is the ability to regulate your emotions, manage your thoughts, and stay resilient in the face of stress.

Why do you need to be mentally strong?

a man with high mental strength stays on the road after running
Mental strength is closely related to concepts such as grit, resilience, and determination. Numerous studies have proven that these qualities are crucial for lifelong success. In fact, they're even more important than intelligence!

Here are some reasons why you should work on your mental strength.

Accept challenges (and win!)

You increase your physical strength by challenging your muscles with workouts. In the same way, you train your emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, decision-making skills, and determination by letting life challenge you.

If you lack the mental strength to accept the challenges that life throws at you, you'll never get out of your comfort zone and achieve your self-improvement goals.

Live through failures

Mental toughness is what helps you cope with loss and defeat. It's all too easy to surrender to negativity, blame everything on the circumstances, and give up entirely. But when you're mentally strong, you're able to keep going no matter what happens in your life.

Stay productive and focused

We live in a world that's dominated by distractions and the promise of instant gratification. This makes it increasingly hard to stay focused and invest your time in things that really matter. Mental strength helps you combat procrastination and distraction so you can truly unlock your intellectual and creative potential.

Be emotionally stable

Emotions (including negative ones) are an integral part of life. But when you let anger or fear control your behavior, you're very likely to make regrettable decisions. Emotional stability doesn't mean blocking or suppressing undesirable emotions. Emotionally stable people allow themselves to be sad, angry, or scared, but they don't allow these emotions to take control over their lives. And this requires quite a bit of mental toughness.
a woman with huge mental strength climbing the mountains

Surefire exercises for mental strength

So, how do you increase mental strength and concentration?

You can boost your mental toughness the same way you train for physical strength: by performing a wide range of exercises that challenge you. Here are some tried-and-tested exercises for mental toughness.

1. Stay positive

This advice may sound like cheesy wishful thinking. But staying positive doesn't mean that you have to ignore everything that's happening in your life and live in an imaginary world. Staying positive is something different.

The problem is that our brains are wired to focus on threats. This was quite useful a few millennia ago, when our ancestors had to be constantly on guard for danger. Now, when there are fewer threats to our physical safety, our brains tend to focus on imaginary threats instead. This can breed pessimism and even depression.

When you choose to stay positive, you consciously fight off negative self-talk and teach your brain to separate facts from pessimistic fantasies.

2. Learn from failures

Failures happen. However, don't let them devastate your self-worth. In many cases, failure is a necessary step on your way to success.

Treat failures as learning opportunities. What exactly went wrong and how can you prevent it from happening in the future? This kind of analysis is an excellent exercise for mental toughness.

3. Don't be afraid of changes

Change is often risky and uncertain, and getting out of your comfort zone is usually quite uncomfortable.

However, that's what mental strength is for. By accepting and embracing smaller changes, you'll train your mind to be tough in the face of more dramatic transformations.
a man with great mental strength in campus plays chess

4. Accept what you can't change

Mental toughness is a central concept of Stoic philosophy, which originated in ancient Greece. Stoics teach that you should differentiate between the things that you can control and the things that you can't.

Even when you can't control or change a specific situation or circumstance, you can still control your reaction to it. Ideally, stay mentally strong and accept it, and then focus on the things you can control. This is one of the best exercises for mental toughness.

5. Stay close to your family and friends

Humans are social creatures, and we need the support of our friends and family to feel mentally strong. Loneliness and social isolation have a devastating impact on your physical and mental health, so do your best to cultivate strong relationships with your friends and loved ones.

Staying close to your support network can get tricky due to lockdowns and other restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. But since you can't control this situation, act like a real Stoic and do what you can. Keep in touch using chats, video calls, and anything else that helps you stay connected.

6. Set your core beliefs

Somewhere deep inside, you have a set of fundamental beliefs about yourself and the world. Even if you're not yet completely aware of them, these beliefs drive your thoughts and actions.

For example, if you believe that you don't deserve to be rich, you'll subconsciously avoid applying for high-paying jobs or learning valuable job skills. If you believe that the world is a dangerous place, you'll be extremely reluctant to leave your comfort zone and try new things.

Write down your core beliefs and see if they make you mentally stronger. If they don't, see how you can work with them until they do. It's a difficult process, but a mental health professional can guide you through it.

7. Reflect on your progress

To build mental strength, we suggest you stick to a simple daily habit. At the end of each day, ask yourself what you've learned about your emotions, thoughts, and behavior. This daily reflection will guide you on your self-improvement journey.

You can write your daily answers in a simple notebook or use an app like Habio. Habio is not just a habit tracker; it has a built-in Reflection Diary with writing prompts that will help you gain deep insights into your progress!

8. Behave as if you're already confident and strong

Fake it till you make it. Just as forcing a fake smile can genuinely boost your mood, pretending to be a mentally tough person can really make you stronger.

Talk to strangers. Accept a challenge. Help a friend go through a stressful time. Use productivity hacks to stay focused. After a few attempts, confidence and mental strength will become second nature.


Mental strength is a key predictor of lifetime success. Fortunately, just like physical strength, it can be trained with specific exercises and tools like habit trackers and reflection diaries.


  1. https://habio.app/blog/how-to-believe-in-yourself
  2. https://www.inc.com/quora/how-to-cultivate-emotional-stability-even-when-life-gets-crazy.html
  3. https://www.forbes.com/sites/travisbradberry/2016/08/23/3-powerful-ways-to-stay-positive/?sh=10174c7b19c9
  4. https://habio.app/blog/grit-and-growth-mindset
  5. https://dailystoic.com/remember-you-dont-control-what-happens-you-control-how-you-respond/
  6. https://www.campaigntoendloneliness.org/threat-to-health/
  7. https://www.verywellmind.com/news-science-shows-smiling-really-does-make-us-feel-better-5075811

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