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How to Stop Being Passive

Let's take a closer look at how to get out of the quagmire of a passive lifestyle and how it happens in the first place.
Passive behavior is about more than just a sedentary lifestyle. Passivity implies a lack of life goals and avoiding essential decisions; it often makes people bored with their daily routines, dissatisfied with their life, and frustrated. Let's take a closer look at how to get out of the quagmire of a passive lifestyle and how it happens in the first place.
Do you live passively?

To recognize if your behavior is too passive, answer three questions:

  • Have you been feeling stuck, hopeless, and miserable for an extended period of your life?
  • Do you often complain about the quality of your life?
  • Do you hate Mondays and dream of the weekend all the time?

If you answered "yes" to at least one of these questions, then something might be preventing you from enjoying life. It might be a passive lifestyle.

Why might people be living passively?

  • They feel a lack of motivation. Some people may have the capacity to be more active in their daily lives, but they may not believe that they need to.
  • They have no goals for the next five years. Without goals, it's hard to imagine how to move to your desired future.
  • They're sure that most spheres of their lives are highly dependent on external factors. In this case, it is logical that these people don't want to waste their energy.

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How to deal with passivity

Try to imagine yourself in five years. Ask yourself what your life will be like if you continue to react to circumstances rather than taking the initiative yourself. What is the future you want? What can you start doing now to enjoy your life and move toward a great future?

What can you do right now?

If you think that you're living passively but don't know what to do about it, first of all, stop waiting for motivation, inspiration, and a sudden burst of energy. The truth is that your actions usually lead to motivation, not the other way around. For instance, you will feel ready to exercise (motivation) only after you've forced yourself into your workout gear (action).

Stay proactive instead of being reactive and believe that circumstances don't construct your life — you do.

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