Habio Блог

Как избавиться от стресса и страха при формировании новой привычки?

You're a happy person. It's true because you're on the right track and ready to move towards the best version of yourself. Otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this article.
However, even happy people sometimes may worry and feel anxiety or stress. It's normal if stress is short-lived because every human is an emotional being. But you can smooth your way to forming a habit pleasantly, minimizing anxiety, and coping with stress safely. Let's explore this further.

A bit of theory

Stress is your physical or emotional response to a challenge or difficult situation. When an irritant appears, your body reacts by sharply increasing the heart rate or triggering excitement. Such acute stress is often positive because it helps you escape danger or complete tasks in time. However, if the stress continues for several weeks, it may become chronic and harm you.

As for anxiety, it's a typical emotional reaction triggered by stress. You may feel fear or anxiety about important events in your life. This could be, for example, waiting for a job interview, running a marathon, or being unable to resume your habit after missing it five times.

Yes, when you try to form a new healthy habit, you might be overwhelmed with anxiety. Generally, it's fine to feel stressed out by all these changes in your routine and to worry about your success. But there are ways to make it better. Let's take a look at a few stress management tips here.

Tip 1: Start with obtainable goals

Try to break big goals into smaller ones. When you've accomplished that task for a week, set a new small goal — do yoga for 10 minutes every day. That way, you'll feel joy and pride each time you achieved a mini-goal instead of constantly worrying about the BIG GOAL.

For example, your end goal is to practice yoga for 30 minutes every morning. In this case, you can start by setting the smaller goal of doing yoga for 5 minutes every day.
Tip 2: Make your routines enjoyable

One of the most effective tricks is to add some pleasure to your healthy routines. Habit psychology scientists have proven this approach. This is the methodology the Habio app's founders have chosen.

The basic principle behind the exercises and articles this habit app offers you is to teach you how to perform your habit pleasantly without pressure or negative feelings. Habio provides insights, helpful tips, a handy habit tracker, and even a 7-day educational course on habit formation.

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Tip 3: Focus more on the process, not the results

Creating new habits is a long-term project. Instead of anxiously waiting to become a better person overnight, try to feel good here and now. Focusing on your senses can help.

Tip 4: Join a supportive community

Your environment — close people, majorities, reputable persons, etc. — affects your manners, way of thinking, and habits. You assimilate with the people around you. So if you want to get to know how to force a habit quickly or how to change a bad habit into a good one, start having a positive mindset and join a supportive community.

That way, you can get:

● Positive experience, energy, and impressions
● Approval of your actions from a group
● Praise from others

Look for communities you're interested in both online and offline. You can also join the Habio Facebook community where positive people share their personal experiences, and a team of medical advisers offers their professional opinions.

Tip 5: Accept that failure is part of the process

If you've skipped your habit for some reason, forgive yourself and try to see it as a learning experience. Everybody slips. Analyze why that happened to you and try to avoid it in the future.

For example, you decided to go to bed at 11 pm but stayed up until midnight streaming your favorite shows. Don't beat yourself up! Sometimes, we all need to let go and have some fun. Next time, you can leave your devices in another room or set a time restriction on the streaming app.

Tip 6: Reward yourself

Be generous with yourself: be grateful for positive routines. Let yourself feel pleasant emotions for your habitual acts, and you'll stay calmer and happier.

You can reward yourself with little things, but they should delight you and happy right after you complete your routines. For instance, practice morning yoga for 5 minutes and drink your favorite beverage right after it. Or, share your photos from the gym in your social media stories on social media if you like getting praise from people.

Tip 7: Reflect on your habit

This activity can help you develop an awareness of your habit, regulate your emotions, and reduce anxiety associated with complicated tasks. Habio's blog authors have created a handy tool for this purpose. It's called Habit Reflection. It's a smart journal in the Habio App that helps track daily emotions of habit formation and shows your progress clearly through charts. You can also use your favorite notebook if you prefer a paper format.

You're already a happy person. Remember that and don't wander from your path. Don't feel stressed about stress; think positively. Soon, you'll be surprised by the results of your new habit and will strive to share your great mood with everybody.

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