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Top 7 Books
About Your Habits

To build a good habit, some efforts and motivation is required. Reading can bring this inspiration to your everyday life. We have picked up a book list with the most popular and inspiring book about building and changing habits. Take a look to get motivated!
"The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest people of the past centuries."
– Descartes
We all need a piece of motivation and inspiration some time in a while. Books are a great source to get inspired.

The process of building a habit can be quite challenging and might require daily effort and your willpower. To build a habit, first of all you need to get the idea of how the habits are formed and how the brain works to help you to stick to new habits as tight as possible.

This book list will help you to explore the habit world, find more motivation to build better habits, and make them more pleasant and joyful. Let's dive in!

The Power of Habit
by Charles Duhigg
The Power of Habit is one of the most popular books about habits first published in 2012. The book tells about habit creation and reformation combining both scientific research and personal stories.

Charles Duhigg explains what habits are, how they are formed and how to trick your brain to make habits strong and indestructible.

The book covers the next habit concepts:

  • Habit Loop
  • The Golden Rule of Habit Change
  • Keystone Habit
  • Habit Training

Reading this book, you will learn about the influence of habits on various life areas. This habit book can definitely inspire you to make a change in your life.

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
by James Clear
This book is written by James Clear, one of the leading experts in the habit formation area. Theory and practical exercises are well combined in his book. He shares practical strategies and real stories on how people managed to form good habits or break bad ones.

He emphasizes the idea that remarkable results are achieved by performing small but persistent daily activities. James Clear has a real talent to explain complex things in simple words. His explanations help easily apply habit building techniques to your everyday life.

With Atomic Habits, you will get to know how to:

  • Build and change habits
  • Find motivation for daily routines
  • Create a supportive environment
  • Stick to the habits
  • Start again even if you've failed before

The book proves that even small changes are still changes and can influence your final goal.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
by Stephen Covey
This book was first published in 1989 but it is still considered to be one of the fundamental works about habits.

Stephen Covey focuses on being effective in both personal and professional life. He explains how our values govern our behavior and why interdependence is important for being good team players and being successful in marriage or at work.

Covey covers 7 habits in his book:

  • Be proactive
  • Begin with the end in mind
  • First things first
  • Think win-win
  • Seek first to understand, then to be understood
  • Synergize!
  • Sharpen the Saw

Moreover, in the book you will find a time management matrix, actually popularized by Steven Covey, which tells about the system to organize your tasks wisely. The main aim of the book is to make you more effective in your everyday life.

The ONE Thing
by Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan
    The idea lies in the title of the book. The authors claim that an inability to concentrate on ONE thing keeps people from achieving their main goals.

    The book tells us that to achieve success we need to be able to dismiss distractions and set priorities. The authors recommend asking just one question to make everything easier: "What's the ONE Thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?". Prioritizing a single task makes sense in reaching your global milestone.

    It's another proof that simplifying is a working method to achieve more. As the saying goes 'Less is more'.
    by Daniel Pink
      Daniel Pink writes about a habit of self-motivation. The book opens your eyes on what really motivates you at work and in daily life. The author makes a distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and tries to prove that extrinsic motivators are not the most effective in making people do something you want them to do.

      Instead, Daniel Pink points out that we are the only ones who can motivate ourselves. By reading this book, you will understand how intrinsic motivation works and why it's more reasonable to pay attention to inner people's desires. Pink offers to concentrate on these three elements to motivate people:

      • Autonomy as people's desire to be self directed.
      • Mastery as an urge to get better skills.
      • Purpose as a desire to do something that is important.

      If you are a manager and want to have a motivated team, this book should definitely be on your bookshelf.
      by John Tierney, Roy Baumeister
        The authors focus on the role of willpower in achieving goals and overall success.
        They claim that the secret of building sustainable habits lies is having a strong willpower.

        The book provides you with working techniques to improve your self-control which is a key element to your success.

        You will learn the following lessons how to:

        • focus our strength
        • resist temptations
        • be realistic in setting goals
        • monitor their progress
        • keep faith even if you falter

        This work of John Tierney and Roy Baumeister combines both psychological research and practical advice to increase your self-control and understand the real power of willpower.
        Daily Rituals: How Artists Work
        by Mason Currey
          Daily Rituals is an encyclopedia in the world of daily routines of many famous people that lived in different times.

          The main book's point is that routines, whatever odd they might seem, play a great role in building and maintaining well-ordered lifestyles. The author shed light on the working habits of popular geniuses of all the times.

          One more great idea of the book is that there is no unique recipe to become successful and create something great. It's always a personal journey with hundreds of tries and failures but finally finding your own way to succeed.

          Get some inspiration from these books to build strong and sustainable habits for your daily life!

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