The Pomodoro method (or the
Pomodoro technique) was invented by Francesco Cirillo when he was still a student. He found that a specific ratio of study time and breaks boosted his productivity dramatically, namely 25 minutes of intense work followed by a 5-minute break.
Back then, he used a tomato-shaped kitchen timer, hence the name of the method (Pomodoro means tomato in Italian). But you can also use a timer on your phone instead - it doesn't matter. Just set it to 25 minutes and work hard without distractions. Then, take a 5-minute break.
After three intense work spurts, you can enjoy a longer break.
The Pomodoro method is especially useful when you need to motivate yourself to do something unpleasant, like cleaning or studying for a boring exam. After all, studying for 25 minutes sounds a lot better than hours of grinding, right?