Habio Blog

How to Break a Sugar Addiction Once and for All

Many people today consume more sugar than they need. If you want to know how to stop a sugar addiction,
read this new Habio article.
Sugar is the sociopath of foods. It acts sweet, but it's really poison.
Karen Salmansohn
You may already know that sugar is your number one enemy when it comes to your overall health and well-being. But it can be so difficult to avoid, can't it? Here's some expert advice on how to tame those cravings.
a karate girl kicking her sugar addiction
Sugar is eight times as addictive as cocaine. While cocaine activates only one pleasure spot in the brain, sugar lights it all up!
This makes breaking a sugar addiction incredibly difficult. Nonetheless, it is possible; you'll only need to take the right steps in the right direction. Luckily, this guide contains all the practical information you need for this scary journey. It will help you speed up your breakthrough and take back control of your health and well-being.

What is a sugar addiction?

A sugar addiction is a condition characterized by a consistent attraction to food, beverages, or drinks heavily laden with sugar. People who experience this condition always find themselves wanting to consume large amounts of food to combat hunger or boredom. The big problem is that the cravings never really go away; munching all that sugary stuff just makes you want more and more.

How much sugar you actually need

Sugars (carbs!) are the body's preferred energy source because they are easier to break down than protein or fat. In other words, we need sugar. However, what determines our well-being is the quantity we consume per day.

According to the American Heart Association, men and women should have no more than 150 calories (about 9 teaspoons) and 100 calories (about 6 teaspoons) of sugar per day, respectively. Consuming any more than this may increase the risk of heart disease and obesity.

Reasons why people have a sugar addiction

Very much like other addictive substances, sugar activates certain areas in the brain (the pleasure/reward circuits), which causes the release of dopamine – a feel-good chemical. By virtue of the pleasure it creates, this brain chemical (a neurotransmitter) compels individuals to repeat an action or find more of the substance (sugar, in this case).

But it doesn't just end there. The brain keeps wanting more and more with each use. It requires a higher quantity of sugar to create the same feeling it previously did. This is how people get addicted to sugar and why they find it difficult to break away from it. However, there are a few factors that kick-start the sugar addiction process in the first place. Here they are:
a mouth with a sugar cube between teeth as an allusion of sugar addiction

They don't eat enough

When people don't eat enough, the body searches for fuel for energy. This commonly makes people crave sugar! Most people jump on sugary stuff because the brain thinks it will be the best energy source to eliminate hunger pangs. But it's an endless quest as the cravings rage on, causing a ceaseless need for more.

It's a bad habit

Like overspending and nail biting, consuming lots of sugar is a bad habit. Some people often find themselves grabbing a chocolate bar midday at work or gnawing on some candy while working late nights. Whether it's out of boredom or hunger, it's essential to be intentional about what you eat. Doing some mindful eating exercises can help with this. Eat small portions of whole foods or opt for a naturally sweet herbal tea like vanilla almond that has no calories.

They don't consume enough protein

While eating enough food is a great way to reduce or even stop sugar cravings, it is essential to eat the right kind of food. Eating heavy, starchy meals like rice, spaghetti, and the like doesn't provide satiety (the feeling of being full) long enough because carbohydrates like this get absorbed faster. Protein-rich foods, on the other hand, do a great job. Feel free to throw in lean meat, boiled eggs, fish, and poultry into the mix when you plan to have some starchy food.

They eat too much salt

Salty foods like fries or chips have been linked to sugar cravings. Cut down on them, and you might find yourself craving sugary snacks like cookies and doughnuts less. Keep this in mind when you're thinking about eating processed foods.

9 sweet tips to kick a sugar addiction

If you've been struggling to break your addiction, focus on the "why," and the "how" will solve itself. You can start by asking yourself questions like "Why am I craving carbs and sugar?" or "Why do I find it difficult to stop?" Here's how to beat a sugar addiction:
donuts on a yellow background as an illustration of sugar addiction

1. Try a 30-day sugar addiction detox

A sugar addiction detox is a way to cleanse your body of excess sugar. Going completely sugar-free for 30 days can help your body get rid of all its unhealthy sugar content so it can begin to function at its best.

2. Drink a glass of water before eating something sugary

Typically, our blood sugar levels spike after we eat. A consistent rise in blood sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other unwanted health conditions. Many experts say that water minimizes the effect of sugar as it allows the system to absorb glucose faster. Hence, it is advisable to drink a glass of water before or after eating any food at all.

3. Identify your triggers and change your routine

Just as fries or chips trigger a craving for doughnuts and cookies, several other foods may increase or worsen your sugar addiction. Identifying these triggers and cutting them off completely will take you a long way toward breaking the habit.

4. Find a healthy substitute

While it's crucial to eliminate added sugar from your diet for long-term health benefits, it can be quite challenging to make a smooth transition sometimes. If this is the case for you, you can start by replacing the candy, chocolate bars, and whatnot with sugar substitutes. For example, try snacks with fresh dates, fresh berries, pure maple syrup (in small amounts), or stevia.

5. Limit sugar intake gradually

If you're not getting enough results with healthy sugar substitutes, it may be time to find another way to limit your sugar intake. You can try a sugar craving suppressant like Slim Mints, Sugar Suppress 60, Sweat Defeat, and the like. But before you do, be sure to ask your doctor to help you determine if suppressants are safe for you.
donuts and an apple with a hand refusing from donuts to break sugar addiction

6. Eat more protein

Proteins are known to be most filling by far compared to other food groups. Eating more of it will help you feel full for longer and ultimately reduce your cravings.

7. Consume more healthy fats

Like protein, healthy fats also make you feel full for longer. Consuming more will make it easier to kick your sugar addiction. Avocados, extra virgin oil, chia seeds, and fatty fish are excellent sources of healthy fat.

8. Don't drink sugar

Looking for how to stop a sugar addiction quickly? Don't drink your sugar! Like we saw earlier in this guide, consuming sugar will only lead to more sugar cravings. You just can't get enough of it. The next time you feel the urge to grab a bottle of soda, drink a full glass of water instead. Water works wonders!

9. Minimize your stress

When you're stressed out, your body produces a high level of cortisol, a hormone that is often behind anxiety and restlessness. In the bid to fight off this feeling, the body makes you crave sugar because it produces serotonin, a counter hormone that creates a relaxing and calming effect. When you're wondering how to kick a sugar addiction, think about minimizing stress. Sometimes, all you need is a good nap.


Eating too much added sugar can lead to diabetes, hypertension, and several other chronic diseases. If you've been having a hard time resisting those highly tempting chocolate bars and doughnuts with wicked toppings, you have all you need to succeed now. Follow Habio's 9 sweet tips provided here, and you can break free from the addiction once and for all. Succumbing to a craving will feed the addiction. If you manage to resist, the cravings will get weaker over time and eventually disappear. Lastly, always remember that you can't have excuses and results at the same time.
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